Análise da influência dos parâmetros de usinagem no acabamento superficial de aços (SAE 1020 e SAE 1045), no processo de torneamento utilizando análise de variância (ANOVA)
2016-06-30Registro en:
ZIANI, Allison Mineo; FERNANDES, Eder. Análise da influência dos parâmetros de usinagem no acabamento superficial de aços (SAE 1020 e SAE 1045), no processo de torneamento utilizando análise de variância (ANOVA). 2016. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Manutenção Industrial) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2016.
Ziani, Allison Mineo
Fernandes, Eder
The machining process is widely used in industry for the simple fact of having a purpose of giving finish in one workpiece and define geometric shapes to a raw material and therefore, obtain the desired product. The processed material surface quality depends not only on machining itself, but also parameters and variables such as tools used, the material that will be machined, coolers application and also cutting speed progress selection, among others. For that, is needed to perform a planning to define the shape and appearance of a workpiece, suitable materials and appropriate inserts to them, geometric shape. Thus, to acomplish a project on what you want while respecting the applied variables limitations, which makes this step very important that there be no waste of process or unnecessary tools damage. Therefore, this work is intended o analyze the SAE 1020 and SAE 1045 steel finish, varying some machining parameters such as rotation, advance and depth cut as well as variables that are indexable inserts of different coatings and obtaining process coated steam, cutting fluid, and even material to be machined. Propose a statistical analysis by calculating the values of involved variables in turning using analysis of variance (ANOVA).