Adoção de inovação tecnológica no cultivo de hortaliças em sistema plantio direto na agricultura familiar
2021-09-20Registro en:
BELLÉ, Diogo. Adoção de inovação tecnológica no cultivo de hortaliças em sistema plantio direto na agricultura familiar. 2021. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2021.
Bellé, Diogo
Vegetable producers in the state of Santa Catarina are encouraged to adopt the direct planting system for vegetables (SPDH), as it has advantages in several aspects, such as environmental preservation, soil conservation, crop rotation and reduced physical effort by farmers. Thus, an increase in new technologies benefits the beneficiaries in increased productivity and profitability, especially in poorer areas, characterized as family farming. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate practices, demands and conditioning factors for the adoption of technological innovation in family farming for the cultivation of vegetables in a no-tillage system (SPDH). Therefore, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, by searching for data in articles related to the characterization of the research. The Preferred Report Items analysis method for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA), bibliometric analysis and content analysis was adopted. Next, the research adopts quantitative and qualitative methods. At first, as research instruments, two questionnaires were developed. Questionnaire 1, structured in order to identify practices and technologies adopted by farmers in SC for cultivation in SPDH, using data analysis with Descriptive Statistics. Questionnaire 2 sought to obtain data to analyze the intention to adopt new technologies, applying the modified version of the UTAUT model. The PLS-SEM Structural Equation Modeling method was developed to develop and evaluate the relationships between the components of the structural structural model. These questionnaires were identified to 50 farmers, producers of vegetables in SPDH of SC. In the second moment, for a qualitative approach, a Focus Group technique was used to raise the technological demands of farmers to use in the SPDH, being applied in two stages with 8 farmers and an extensionist from EPAGRI. The method adopted was analyzed for content. The results of the survey of practices and adopted by farmers obtain the demographic data of owners, family, properties, production conditions, perceptions of technologies, environmental means and technologies for the production of vegetables, this with greater emphasis because the majority know the process and the minority how they use it. The results in equation modeling continue using the UTAUT model, accentuating and proving that Performance Expectation, Effort Expectation, Social Influence, Enabling Conditions and Behavioral Intention are factors with a significant impact on the intention to adopt new technologies for the production of vegetables in SPDH . The relationship between the facilitating condition and the intention to adopt, presented the highest value of t-value 5.068, which is the biggest influencing factor. With the realization of the Focus Group, it was possible to identify the demands of technologies with the highest priority by farmers, as the main barriers and limitations in addition to incentives based on adopting new technologies. Automated and efficient irrigation systems and the application for property management were the main priorities found; while specialized technical support, adequate structure, financial resources to structure the property are the main barriers and limitations. For the lack of incentives, farmers highlight the need for more demonstration fields of new technologies and insurance of the production structure. Given the finding that there are gaps in the literature regarding the adoption and specific technological innovation in the cultivation of vegetables in SPDH, this study sought to contribute to the survey of technological innovations, the criteria that influence adoption and the highest priority demands, in addition to identifying such as barriers, limitations and lack of incentives for farmers. It also contributed to encourage the person responsible for developing optimization to minimize difficulties and improve the production process and quality of life.