Classificação e destinação de equipamentos de proteção individual usados no setor da construção civil
2013-02-26Registro en:
ARTEN, Patrícia Lopes Rycheta. Classificação e destinação de equipamentos de proteção individual usados no setor da construção civil. 2013. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Arten, Patrícia Lopes Rycheta
The construction industry, more specifically the heavy construction subsector, contributing to the socioeconomic development of the population, but causes negative impacts for the consumption of natural resources and the large quantity of waste generated, including personal protective equipment (EPI) not more may be used. One of the main benefits of proper solid waste management is to reduce production costs, making the construction process more profitable. The overall goal of this work is to investigate the current situation of the management and disposal of personal protective equipment in heavy construction works. And are the specific identification and listing of typical functions of civil works and their heavy protective equipment, EPI used in the classification of construction works according to ABNT NBR 10.004, Resolution CONAMA 307/2002 and Instruction n° 13/2012 IBAMA, and lifting the allocations of EPI that are no longer used in the works of three case studies. In the three works studied (port, road and rail) observed that the law is followed and EPIs are designed according to NBR 10004. The EPI that will no longer be used are divided into contaminated and uncontaminated and stored in central waste for later disposal. For the final destination are hired specialized companies, which designed the contaminated EPI in Class I landfill and not contaminated landfill in Class IIA. As for the recycling of EPI, it was found that the surveyed companies do not invest in this alternative, despite the existence of this. The works of this subsector are usually located in regions with poor infrastructure being uneconomical sending recyclable waste to large centers that have specialized sites.