O livro didático e a organização do currículo pelo professor de física no ensino médio
2015-07-15Registro en:
AGUIAR, Camila Ferreira. O livro didático e a organização do currículo pelo professor de física no ensino médio. 2015. 56 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2015.
Aguiar, Camila Ferreira
This study aims to investigate how the Textbook of Physics influences the Curriculum organization developed by the Physics teacher in his teaching activity. Based on a brief review of Curriculum Theories and on some aspects of the Textbook, an attempt is establish its role how one of the great guides of curriculum. The fieldwork was developed through a non participating observation of the classes from a Physics teacher of a Public High School, mostly about the presence and use of the Physics Textbook in his classes. Based on the teacher’s work plan and the observation in the classes, is observed a distance between the written and practiced, and the close relationship between teaching practice and the requirements of adopted Textbook, so it is evident its role as a guiding curriculum practiced by the teacher.