Estudo de caso: implantação de sistemas integrados de gestão de segurança de alimentos em entreposto de ovos in natura para consumo
2012-12-18Registro en:
TIBOLA, Silviane Aparecida. Estudo de caso: implantação de sistemas integrados de gestão de segurança de alimentos em entreposto de ovos in natura para consumo. 2012. 62 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia de Alimentos) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Tibola, Silviane Aparecida
Both for the food industry and public health authorities, food safety comprises a series of sanitary demands exposed by legal and merchant organisations, in the face of a growing human population. The present work was developed in a sorting facility processing fresh Gallus gallus domesticus eggs for consumption, where hygienic-sanitary matters are of great concern for the industry, the consumer and the State. The aim was to define an integrated model of food security management with documents designed to meet the standards of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). The methodology for the creation and validation of the local self-control documents applied to the requirements and system management documents was based on Process Approach. A systemic, integrated standpoint was fundamental allow the correlation between the requirements of GMPs and HACCP. The execution, monitoring and verification records demonstrated the capillarity of the system, hence pro-active to preventative measures of nonconformity and confirming the continuous improvement of the Food Safety Management System (FSMS). The pertinence of the model adopted showed the practical operation of the system since the document design to its local validation, which enables its use by other companies of the industry. This model proposed a structure of steps starting with the creation and implementation of this Integrated Management System, with results confirmed by the percentage of conformities obtained during the verification of the records that constitute the documentation of the self-control and management system. Moreover, results were confirmed by the local and internal audit findings, which corresponds to 94% of conformity during the three-month period considered. Another factor to ponder were the client companies’ audit reports and the Brazilian government agency for agriculture and animal production (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA), all of which revealed accuracy of the process adopted for document design and implementation.