Projeto de lei municipal de incentivo ao plantio de florestas comerciais
2014-02-06Registro en:
BERTOLDO, Grazielli. Projeto de lei municipal de incentivo ao plantio de florestas comerciais. 2014. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2014.
Bertoldo, Grazielli
In the 60s, the Brazilian government created tax incentives for forest plantation. The Law No. 5,106 / 66 had, at the time, which could be deducted from income tax the Brazilian who owned area with planted forests. With the application of this law and after the period of it, in the 80s, the forest sector has reached expressive development. In recent years, the forest sector, based on planted forests, has received acknowledgment for its value and contribution to the economic, social and environmental development of the country. For the further development of the forest sector, there is the need to promote economic and sustainable use of forests, which should be guided not only by the principles of good governance and management, but also in the integration of public-private sector focusing not only on forestry company property but also in rural and small production units. This work aimed to develop and propose an incentive law to promote the production of planted forests of high quality to be applied at the local level and also with the possibility of regional application. With this public policy proposal, in the form of a law to incentive to forest production, the objective is give a support the producers to, mainly, the production of high quality woods. This law has the possibility to become a strong mechanism municipal and regional forestry development, based in the economic inter-relationships between municipalities and its consumer companies / processors with producers of forests. The work was done by consultation of existing laws in Brazil and research with professionals of forestry, economic and legal area, so that the law was elaborated and presented to the full form to UTFPR and then to municipalities interested.