Temas matemáticos nos complexos de estudo: uma análise do plano de estudos do movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra
2021-04-29Registro en:
NOGUEIRA, Amanda Araújo Coelho. Temas matemáticos nos complexos de estudo: uma análise do plano de estudos do movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Matemática) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2021.
Nogueira, Amanda Araújo Coelho
This Final Paper aims to carry out an analysis regarding the mathematical themes present in the Study Plan of the Landless Rural Workers Movement and, specifically, to investigate its elaboration process. With this, it is hoped to better understand how these connections between school and reality were thought and concretized in this curricular document. For this, the research is divided into two stages: (i) a documentary analysis of the mathematical themes present in the Study Plan; and (ii) conducting interviews with people involved in the preparation of the Study Plan. In the first stage, it became evident that the mathematical themes present there were remarkably similar to what is usually seen in official curricular documents. Therefore, the research moved to the second stage, in which three people were interviewed who actively participated in the preparation of the Study Plan, especially in Mathematics. It was found that the Diretrizes Curriculares Estaduais da Educação Básica do Paraná were considered the minimum document to be contemplated in the Study Plan and the connections that should be made of the mathematical contents with the portions of reality were artificial, due to the difficulty in carrying out such articulation.