Projeto de uma matriz para produção pelo processo de pultrusão de perfis em “U” de compósito polimérico para utilização em escada de encosto
2019-11-29Registro en:
SIMIONATTO JUNIOR, Vilmar. Projeto de uma matriz para produção pelo processo de pultrusão de perfis em “U” de compósito polimérico para utilização em escada de encosto. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2019.
Simionatto Junior, Vilmar
This thesis was developed with the purpose of projecting a matrix that is used on the production of a “U” shaped polymeric composite by pultrusion to be utilized on ladders. The great use of mobile ladders on several sectors create a demand to study new materials, bringing more practicality and security. By defining the material of the ladder shape and its sizing, was determined the appropriate matrix with the production of an outline of better quality. The ladder was scaled following the NBR 16308/2014 standards and the drawing was made with the help of the software SolidWorks. The simulation on SolidWorks verified the resistance of 160 Kgf of the ladder, as long as it is used by the NBR standards.