Projeto de simulação de um reator eletrônico para lâmpadas fluorescentes com correção de fator de potência e controle de intensidade luminosa
2014-07-24Registro en:
DEGARAES, Célio. Projeto de simulação de um reator eletrônico para lâmpadas fluorescentes com correção de fator de potência e controle de intensidade luminosa. 2014. 66 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
Degaraes, Célio
This paper deals with the design and simulation of an electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps with power factor correction and control of light intensity. For the correction of the power factor is employed a SEPIC converter operating in discontinuous conduction mode current. The drive of the fluorescent lamp will be through a half bridge inverter with LC series C parallel ressonante filter, considering the maximum current that can flow through the filament and parallel capacitor, at aim the integrity and increased lamp life. The light intensity control is effected by varying the bus voltage of the SEPIC converter, which in turn, have the duty cycle set by an auxiliary circuit with a light dependent resistor. Simulations with a model of fluorescent lamp will be conducted to evaluate the behavior of the reactor. After the design and simulation of the mentioned topologies, the results will be presented, discussed and evaluated regarding their expectations of project and their behavior in simulations.