Correlações entre o trabalho dos técnicos em apicultura e as comunidades rurais pesquisadas da microrregião de São Raimundo Nonato: coconstrução de tecnologias
2020-10-09Registro en:
LOBO, Soraya Oka. Correlações entre o trabalho dos técnicos em apicultura e as comunidades rurais pesquisadas da microrregião de São Raimundo Nonato: coconstrução de tecnologias. 2020. Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia e Sociedade) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2020.
Lobo, Soraya Oka
This research work is part of the Interinstitutional Doctorate of the Graduate Program in Technology and Society, of the Federal Technological University of Paraná and of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). The objective is to analyze the coconstructions of technologies resulting from the work of technicians in beekeeping trained at Floriano Technical College (CTF/UFPI) in the researched rural communities. Based on the technical and scientific knowledge learned by professional education, we seek to share them with the rural community, as well as to implement them in practice by applying the new management techniques, combined with the experiential knowledge of beekeepers in the region. Beekeeping stands out in the surveyed municipalities, belonging to the micro region of São Raimundo Nonato/PI, in the last years, due to its production and export of honey. It is a qualitative and interpretative research. The research adopts the theoretical-methodological perspective of historical-dialectical materialism, based on documentary and bibliographic analysis, interviews and questionnaires with graduates and field visits to the researched communities where direct observation and photographic records are carried out using the methodological triangulation technique (MINAYO, 2005). For the analysis of data production, the hermeneutic-dialectic analysis technique is used (MINAYO, 2011), analysis through interpretation and in the sense of communication between social actors for the analysis of data production. The data is organized and based on three analytical categories: coconstruction of technologies; challenges and impacts manifested by technicians in beekeeping in the face of the process of appropriation of technologies by communities. It appears that the actions of technicians in beekeeping, by sharing technical and scientific knowledge and experiential knowledge with beekeepers in the region, in addition to being active as transforming social actors, cause a significant increase in honey production in the region and generate employment with skilled workers in the movement of the region’s domestic economy, in addition to enhancing human training related to the organization and autonomous production of subjects, providing reflections on the possibility of a critical approach to technology and collective practices, through an interactive process of co-construction of social technologies. Therefore, it is noted the importance of continuing the technical course in beekeeping in e-learning. In view of the resistance in maintaining the supply and expansion of public policies for the materialization of the educational process in regions lacking technical training, it is argued in defense of incentives for its continuity by the institutions with the respective attention of educational managers to meet mutual interests of the communities and the social function of educational institutions.