Manutenção e desenvolvimento do ensino público: as contradições entre a LDB e a realidade dos investimentos municipais de Paranavaí - PR
2013-04-03Registro en:
FREITAS, Daniel Marques de. Manutenção e desenvolvimento do ensino público: as contradições entre a LDB e a realidade dos investimentos municipais de Paranavaí - PR. 2013. 41 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Freitas, Daniel Marques de
This work leads to discussion of issues related to the financing of public education and the quality of teaching. It is understood that in this case the law is ambiguous and contradictory in many respects, but with respect to education are loopholes that allow the government did not properly implement the necessary resources for education or apply only what the law requires and nothing more, limiting in that sense, the possibility of improvements in public education. The aim of this study was therefore to study the use of funds for the maintenance and development of public education at the local level from the perspective of the LDB and the Organic Law of the Municipality from Paraná. The quality of education through the funding of education. It is noticed that this discussion is theoretical as well as political also. Several authors speak of the importance of debate and political action to try to change the quality of education in Brazil, Saviani and Davies were the coconut readings for this debate.This issue is directly related to education funding, we can no longer rely on regulatory agencies is that society has to fulfill the role of ensuring better conditions for public education. For this work we analyzed data from the MEC through SIOPE to collect data regarding the spending of municipalities and states with MDE. To understand these data and their importance readings of the works of Professor Nicholas Davies was very important. Realized that in many cases the law is fulfilled, but take advantage of loopholes to always apply the minimum of resources for education. In this sense, this paper has attempted to show that the government has given priority to education. Another important aspect that was found is the importance of people's participation in monitoring the use of funds for education. This work was the subject of financing, maintenance and development of education.