Controle da velocidade de um atuador pneumático linear de dupla ação via CLP
2017-11-22Registro en:
ANATRIELLO, Matheus Sant Ana. Controle da velocidade de um atuador pneumático linear de dupla ação via CLP. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2017.
Anatriello, Matheus Sant Ana
This work aims to implement control techniques in a pneumatic system, using as intermediary a programmable logic controller. The applications of control techniques have proven to be efficient and necessary in diverse applications within the industry. Within this thought, this project aims to make use of these techniques to enrich the possibilities of handling electro-pneumatic circuits. In the development of this work, the methods and means for the control of the pneumatic system mesh will be studied and made effective. The position and speed of the pneumatic actuator will be sensed for analysis and study of the data obtained. Later, the control will be applied to the mesh in order to correct possible variations, through the PID controller and also the state feedback control with integrator, available in the PLC. System, control and test modeling will be performed on the Matlab / Simulink® platform. The communication between the analog and digital part of the system will be intermediated by the CLP. For the conclusion of this work, the control methods will be evaluated in terms of precision, speed and flexibility in the control of disturbances related to the movement of double acting pneumatic actuators with simple rod.