Proposição para adaptação de termos do CMMI-DEV 1.3 para aplicação em PDPS de empresas de manufatura
2013-11-18Registro en:
ARAUJO, Sandro de. Proposição para adaptação de termos do CMMI-DEV 1.3 para aplicação em PDPS de empresas de manufatura. 2013. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica e de Materiais) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Araujo, Sandro de
Through a global market increasingly aggressive and competitive, many industries are seeking ways to keep competitive. The Product Development Process (PDP) plays an important role in the strategy of companies that look for a competitive advantage. However, for the PDP become a competitive advantage, it must provide a minimum level of maturity, which represents the growth potential of training, the wealth of the organization's process and the consistency which it is applied in all its projects. There are several models for assessing the maturity of the PDP, but the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) provides an integrated solution that covers development activities and maintenance of products and services. However, it was originally created to analyze the information technology industries, not covering the terms used in manufacturing companies. Thus, the aim of this work is propose a strategy to adapt the CMMI - DEV 1.3, enabling easier understanding of their goals and practices for manufacturing companies. For it is presented a review on the CMMI - DEV 1.3 PDP manufacturing companies and strategies used to adapt terms of methods models or tools among different speciality areas, including a detailed concept of their items in order to identify the part of the model to be adapted in this work. After this definition, the terms are correlated with similar terms to those found in the literature of manufacturing companies and validated through peer review. In order to verify the effectiveness of the strategy to adapt the terms, the study performed interviews with seven professionals from four manufacturing industries and one academic, all of them ranging from three to fifteen years of experience in the PDP. Among the results, the study contributes to a proposition for adaptation of CMMI-DEV 1.3 used in IT industries for the PDP of manufacturing companies.