Análise e gestão dos acidentes de trabalho envolvendo o setor elétrico brasileiro
2014-11-06Registro en:
FASOLO, Adriano Raul. Análise e gestão dos acidentes de trabalho envolvendo o setor elétrico brasileiro. 2014. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
Fasolo, Adriano Raul
This work consists of the discussion of the security work activities. related to electricity. Data and indexes of occupational accidents in the Brazilian electric sector, and measures of management activities involving electricity, as well as methods of control accidents are addressed. Related issues will be addressed with electricity activities, focusing on the relationship of companies with employees and how this influences the methods of control and management of industrial accidents caused by activities with electricity and related areas.