Aplicação de filtros estocásticos na estimação do eletrocardiograma
2018-12-03Registro en:
STINGLIN, Julia Blank; FARIA, Leonardo Ferraz; RIBEIRO, Rebecca Fernandes. Aplicação de filtros estocásticos na estimação do eletrocardiograma. 2018. 114 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Stinglin, Julia Blank
Faria, Leonardo Ferraz
Ribeiro, Rebecca Fernandes
The present work has the main objective to introduce the fundamental concepts regarding mathematical modeling and stochastic filtering, applied to the estimation of the electrocardiogram. Important definitions of the cardiovascular system were presented to allow an understanding of its functioning. Finally, a study was carried out about the Kalman filter and the IMM filter. The objective was to reduce unwanted noise in the electrocardiogram based on a mathematical model, performing a comparison between these two tools. The results presented were satisfactory and opened possibilities for the continuity of this research.