Recuperação e recristalização de resíduos de níquel oriundos de aulas práticas no laboratório de química da UTFPR
2013-09-18Registro en:
WERMUTH, Denise; SILVA, Elizane Senhoratti da. Recuperação e recristalização de resíduos de níquel oriundos de aulas práticas no laboratório de química da UTFPR. 2013. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2013.
Wermuth, Denise
Silva, Elizane Senhoratti da
This study aimed to test two methods for recovering nickel waste arising from practical classes in chemistry and turn them into nickel chloride. The first method consists in precipitating the residue with pH change in the second precipitate with nickel dimethylglyoxime, calcined and react with hydrochloric acid to obtain nickel chloride. It was found that samples labeled as waste nickel by flame photometry showed the presence of zinc, copper and manganese, it is not possible to recover the nickel in form of nickel chloride for reuse in the course classes of chemistry, because both the metals tend to precipitate present in the same pH range for nickel, presumably as well as the presence of multiple ligands in the waste. The precipitate obtained by the second method when analyzed and compared with standard infrared nickel chloride, showed no similarity reliable, revealing that the pattern is possibly contaminated and the product obtained does not correspond to nickel chloride.