“Ervas aromáticas”, suas contribuições para uma alimentação saudável
2014-12-13Registro en:
PINTO, Edcheila de Oliveira Arantes. “Ervas aromáticas”, suas contribuições para uma alimentação saudável. 2014. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2014.
Pinto, Edcheila de Oliveira Arantes
This work was primarily thematic concern in rescuing the cultivation and consumption of herbs (seasonings), both at school and at home, where students shared with their families important information about the prevention of chronic diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular, renal) aware on eating the habits that contribute to a healthy diet through attitudes that preserves the environment and sensitize the search for healthier alternatives in food preparation .The cultivation of a kitchen garden at school offered practical knowledge contributing to an attractive more meaningful and enjoyable learning and the pursuit of improving the quality of life of the human being, through the changing lifestyles of some seeking the pleasure of eating combined with the use of natural substances of plant origin making it more attractive and tasty food .The construction of new concepts in the practice of their daily lives ,with innovative approaches such as reducing sodium in a combination of herbs (seasonings) during the preparation of food to be digested.The preparation of the land, the handling and maintenance of construction on campus was part of the work left the class enjoyable, and contributed to the student´s way to learn how to prepare the most delicious and aromatic food in dishes consumed during a meal .The visits, investigations along the family contributed greatly in fact educate students in the prevention of chronic diseases (hypertension, cardiovascular and renal) which results in improper habits of taste of foods .The interesting of this study was the fact that the students found out about the food combinations and realized the differences between herbs with vegetables.