Infraestrutura de redes WANs utilizando as tecnologias Frame Relay e MPLS
2014-02-27Registro en:
RUOSO, Adriana Cristine Alves. Infraestrutura de redes WANs utilizando as tecnologias Frame Relay e MPLS. 2014. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Ruoso, Adriana Cristine Alves
This thesis aimed to study the WANs, with the description and implementation of wide area networks technologies. Reference models and standards were summarized topics covered in IP networks and routing. The work had as main theme the study of the transition between the Frame Relay and MPLS technology. For years Frame Relay was used by telecom operators as a key technology for WANs provide for their clients. With the emergence of converged networks, using voice, data and video was necessary to implement techniques QoS and Traffic Engineering, MPLS has emerged as support for these demands. For the development of infrastructure work simulations Wans networks were performed using GNS3 and Wireshark software.