Estudo do comportamento do protocolo TCP em redes sem fio
2014-10-01Registro en:
MESSIAS, Eder Vicentin. Estudo do comportamento do protocolo TCP em redes sem fio. 2014. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Messias, Eder Vicentin
Wireless networks have different characteristics than wired networks. The traditional TCP versions have a worse performance due to problems commonly found in wireless networks, as interferences, node mobility and frequent collisions. Based on studies, there are some weak points of these algorithms as it relates to wireless networks. Next, some TCP versions developed specifically for wireless networks are studied and their advantages over the traditional TCP algorithms are highlighted. At the end, is concluded that none of the protocols presented has a satisfactory performance dealing with all the wireless networks characteristics, suggesting it's a potential subject for new researches.