| bachelorThesis
Centro de treinamento de alto rendimeto: uma alternativa para o atletismo brasileiro
2018-12-10Registro en:
SANTIAGO, Evandro Lima. Centro de treinamento de alto rendimeto: uma alternativa para o atletismo brasileiro. 2018. 112 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Santiago, Evandro Lima
This thesis seeks to demonstrate the importance of the existence of Sports Training Centers of Excellence, with facilities and quality equipment, to ensure good results in significant international competitions, such as the Olympic Games or World Championships. Sport is a social agent that acts in various spheres of human life, bringing physical, social and economic benefits in the places where its practice is encouraged. This research presented a theoretical survey about the conditions that involve the practice of high performance sports, highlighting the main points that contribute to the development of sports modalities, among them the training centers. Through the search, presentation, analysis and synthesis of the data found, it was aimed to demonstrate the reality of practice of the sport in Curitiba, capital of Paraná. It was found that the public spaces and equipment offered to the population did not allow the development of athletics, and the existing tracks did not belong to the City Hall or State Government. In any case, none of the spaces where facilities for practicing the modality were found presented characteristics that would qualify them as training centers of Excellence. An analysis of the municipal zoning established the Special Sport Zone - Green Line as being the main area where a public equipment could be installed for high performance sports. The analysis of the local conditions allowed to select an empty and underutilized area of the region, for which the guidelines that were developed were established. The needs program was presented and the final Project.