Estudo de cado de manutenção preventiva no sistema de freios em uma empresa logística de transporte rodoviário de cargas
2021-05-10Registro en:
AMORIM, Maikon Moura. Estudo de cado de manutenção preventiva no sistema de freios em uma empresa logística de transporte rodoviário de cargas. 2021.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2021.
Amorim, Maikon Moura
The maintenance organization is the first step towards a solid structuring of the sector. With well-defined processes and codes, the flaws are evident and can be studied so that the necessary measures are taken to achieve maximum fleet efficiency. Information on the replacement of mechanical components, along with mileage, is extremely necessary for the generation of performance indicators and predictability of component life. Considering this importance, this work aims to increase the availability of the road fleet. For this, it is necessary to structure a fleet tagging in order to accurately identify components and parts, structure the data collection with reliability, train the employees involved in the release of this information, collect the data and create a database, assemble a plan preventive replacement of brake linings, carry out a test with some defined fleets and finally, perform an analysis of maintenance indicators. As a result, the availabity indicator increased by 5,5% on average, the TMEF increased by 73% on average and, as predicted, the TMR increased by 2,3 hours, with the usual among the changed methodologies being changed.