Análise comparativa entre habitações de interesse social pelo método de cálculo RTQ-R
2016-12-06Registro en:
PREDABON, Caroline Soraia. Análise comparativa entre habitações de interesse social
pelo método de cálculo RTQ-R. 2016. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Construções Sustentáveis) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Predabon, Caroline Soraia
In this monograph research, a comparative study has been made among three housings of social interest through envelopment building analisis by the prescriptive method of RTQ-R. The objective is to evaluate the energetic efficiency's level of every housing unity, all of them located in the city of Curitiba and in the Bioclimatic Zone 1 in view of the labeling certification of PROCEL. These housing differenciate between themselves by the constructive method: the first one is built by a technique known as wood frame, the second is built by a steel frame technique and, by last, the third is built on the conventional system of elevation's masonry ceramic. The envelopment's efficiency has reached the C level on the first and D level on the other ones. The obtained results have shown the limitation of the projects and techniques applied to the social interest's housing, showing that there's still a lot to improve on this segment so that satisfactory certifications in environmental, economic and welfare of the population layer served by this housing segment can be reached.