Perfis de utilização de aplicativos móveis dos médicos no Hospital Angelina Caron
2018-11-21Registration in:
GUIDOLIN, Gustavo. Perfis de utilização de aplicativos móveis dos médicos no hospital Angelina Caron. 2018. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Sistemas de Telecomunicações) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
Guidolin, Gustavo
This work presents the profiles of the mobile application use by physicians at Angelina Caron Hospital. With this research it was possible to identify how physicians use the applications as tools in health care. The data were obtained using a questionnaire elaborated and given to the doctors of different specialties. The analysis was done in quantitative terms. I analyzed which applications are used and how and when they are used. As a result, a split between types of mobile applications was identified (medical applications and social networking applications), and assembled in profile groups that considered age, level of computer literacy, time of profession, and time working in the hospital. The use of smartphones is growing, so new features and tools are developed in different areas of use, doctors also follow the advances that technology offers, adding health care greater agility in serving the population.