dc.contributorBorges, Reginaldo
dc.contributorBerghauser, Neron Alípio Cortes
dc.creatorFabris, Caroline Bertinatto
dc.identifierFABRIS, Caroline Bertinatto. Aplicação das ferramentas da qualidade em um processo produtivo em uma indústria de ração. 2014. 73 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Medianeira, 2014.
dc.description.abstractWith the increased consumption of processed products and the globalization of markets, organizations have become highly competitive. In this scenario the quest for quality of product, process and quality certifications such as ISO 9001, became indispensable and vital for organizations. Thus, the use of tools that can help this process is necessary. This study is the use of quality tools (layering, check sheets, Pareto analysis, Ishikawa diagrams, histograms, scatter diagrams, and control charts) in the production process of a feed industry in order to analyze, measure and create hypotheses of faults occurring in the production process that may be causing the error in protein concentration in the final feed. The application of the tools presented in this context efficiency is possible from the results obtained, the establishment of performance indicators, which aims to control the quality of food produced and also the company as a whole. Yet been possible to draw up an action plan for the company, which has suggestions and proposals for improvement of processes, focusing on the production of feed quality with protein content according to the specified.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectControle da qualidade total
dc.subjectControle de produção
dc.subjectControle de processo
dc.subjectTotal quality control
dc.subjectProduction control
dc.subjectProcess control
dc.titleAplicação das ferramentas da qualidade em um processo produtivo em uma indústria de ração

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