Análise da acessibilidade em unidades públicas de saúde do município de Pato Branco - PR em comparação com a NBR 9050/2015
2018-06-18Registro en:
RIETTA, Emili Barro. Análise da acessibilidade em unidades públicas de saúde do município de Pato Branco - PR em comparação com a NBR 9050/2015. 2018. 138 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2018.
Rietta, Emili Barro
Facing the growing demand for inclusion, especially in public spaces, it was noted the increase in requirements for them to be accessible. With the revision of NBR 9050 in 2015, new criteria was incorporated to promote accessibility. The present worl has as objects of study two public health units in Pato Branco – PR. One of them was built after the update of the regulation, and the other one is the product of a renovation performed before the norm. The goal is to evaluate and diagnose the conditions of accessibility and establish comparison between both through pre-defined criteria, as well. To do so, the projects for both buildings were analyzed and it was performed on-site evaluations through application of a checklist, elaborated based on parameters specified by the norm and current legislation, creating, therefore, a data inventory. With the results of the checklist, it was possible to diagnose the main problems relative to accessibility in each unit. Based on the results obtained, the pursuit is to elaborate architectonic intervention proposals for critic spaces in both units, aiming to suit the criteria for current requirements. Although the distinct characteristics for the units, it was possible to verify that both were partially appropriate to NBR 9050/2015, since the points in disagreement with the regulation are significant for people with disabilities.