Transferência de calor em paredes acabadas de alvenaria de tijolos cerâmicos com e sem parede verde no período de inverno em Londrina-PR
2021-05-14Registro en:
DANZIGER FILHO, João Edson. Transferência de calor em paredes acabadas de alvenaria de tijolos cerâmicos com e sem parede verde no período de inverno em Londrina-PR. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Ambiental) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2021.
Danziger Filho, João Edson
The use of green walls has been showing itself not only as an architectural alternative, but an excellent option for the control of internal temperature in buildings, providing greater thermal comfort and quality of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate, during the winter, the thermal performance of the ceramic brick models,
one conventional and the other with the insertion of the green wall, based on the small scale reproduction (1:12) of the S block from UTFPR Câmpus Londrina. For this reason, the WALLGREEN modular green wall system with 27 niches that shelter the substrate as a support for the plants was installed on the north facade of one of
the models. To make up the wall, 9 seedlings of each of the respective species were chosen: Aspargos (Aspargus densiflorus), Clorofito (Chlorophytum comosum) e Singônio (Syngonium angustatum). The drip irrigation system was automated and controlled to provide 30minute watering at 7:00 am and 3:45 pm. With the aid of 15 sensors (model DS18B2) associated with an Arduino Mega, air temperature data were collected in the external and internal environment, as well as the external (SESP and SECP) and internal (SISP and SICP) surfaces of the models without and with green wall with a temporal resolution of 5 minutes. The results showed that the models met the thermal performance established in the ABNT 15220 and 15575 standards. It was possible to verify that the insertion of the green wall promoted a thermal damping of 4.5 ° C for the inside of the models for the hottest days and 5 ° C for the coldest days. It was also noticed a lower thermal amplitude in comparison to the model without green wall. For the external and internal surfaces, the green wall promoted superiority throughout the monitoring period, bringing temperature reductions of up to 9.5 ° C from SECP in relation to SESP at peak times. There was also a reduction of up to 5.5 ° C in SICP compared to SISP. Regarding the heat flow rates of the model with a green wall, an abrupt reduction in the rate can be observed,
that is, a reduction of up to 16.1 W / m² in relation to the model without a green wall. All the chosen species showed a satisfactory reduction in the conduction rate: 22.32 W for Aspargos, 15.66 W for Clorofitos and 28.98 W for Singônios. In percentage terms these rates correspond to: 82%, 83% and 93% reduction, which shows an
excellent thermal performance with emphasis on the species Singônio. Finally, it was noticed that even in the winter period when temperatures are not so high, the insertion of green walls on the north face of the model was efficient, providing greater thermal comfort inside and a potential for reducing energy consumption by
consequence of less use of air conditioning.