Sistema de aproveitamento de águas pluviais para fins não potáveis: estudo de implantação em uma instituição de ensino no município de Capanema - PR
2022-06-20Registro en:
MARTINI, Gustavo Coppini. Sistema de aproveitamento de águas pluviais para fins não potáveis: estudo de implantação em uma instituição de ensino no município de Capanema - PR. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2022.
Martini, Gustavo Coppini
Water is the natural resource of greatest dependence for living beings and of greatest importance for mankind, because it is associated with all aspects of civilization's development. The demand for drinking water is increasingly greater all over the planet, making the problem of scarcity of water resources increasingly critical, and yet another problem that arises related to rainfall are the floods, which are present mainly in large centers. Given these scenarios, the need to find alternative and sustainable means of capturing water resources arises. The possibility then arises to implement and use rainwater harvesting systems for non-potable purposes, which seeks to capture, store and use rainwater for activities that do not require potable water. This system will also allow rainwater that can cause flooding to be captured by buildings, reducing the chances of flooding occurring. The present work aims to develop a project for the use of rainwater for non-potable purposes in a public school in the city of Capanema - PR. The development of the system will be based on a hydrological study to characterize the precipitation in the study region, the water demand for non-potable use in the institution and the elaboration of the project. This research includes a bibliographic study linked to field research, where some characteristics and information will be collected in the field. Regarding the approach method, this work is classified as qualitative/quantitative, because data and results will be collected and analyzed in order to propose the system. Thus, the present study carried out the project for the implementation of a rainwater harvesting system in the school of the city in question, which will enable the reduction of drinking water consumption in the institution through the substitution of drinking water by rainwater captured in the cleaning and watering activities of gardens and vegetable gardens.