Conceito smart city: uma análise multicritério para avaliação de cidades paranaenses
2019-06-25Registro en:
SOLEK, Érica Angelly Bueno; OLIVEIRA, Rosana de Souza. Conceito smart city: uma análise multicritério para avaliação de cidades paranaenses. 2019. 127 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharel em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2019.
Solek, Érica Angelly Bueno
Oliveira, Rosana de Souza
Economic, social, political and health factors, among others, favored urban growth, but together with population growth, there is also an increase in urbanization problems. Faced with the need to find creative solutions to address such problems and improve people's quality of life, a new approach to decision-making, conceived by smart cities, has been developed, which allows us to develop a more sustainable and better living city. Technologies, people and institutions are strategic elements for the evaluation of this concept, where there is a need for important adaptations and transformations of management that directly influence the way information and technology are used to provide quality services to its citizens. Based on this scenario, the present study aims to propose an evaluation using the multicriteria analysis to measure the performance of the 10 cities of Paraná, comparing with the "Connected Smart Cities Ranking 2018" conducted by Urban Systems consulting. For this evaluation, the AHP and MABAC methods were used to meet the proposed objective, so it was possible to compare the results of the proposed work in relation to the results of the study published by Urban Systems.