Comportamento da geração Y no mercado de trabalho: estudo de caso de um time de líderes de uma empresa do setor farmacêutico
2021-08-17Registro en:
IKUTA, Nayara Manzutti. Comportamento da geração Y no mercado de trabalho: estudo de caso de um time de líderes de uma empresa do setor farmacêutico. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2021.
Ikuta, Nayara Manzutti
The study of human behavior in the workplace allows us to understand the relationships between individuals in the corporate environment. This environment is composed of people of different generations that coexist among themselves, forming the work environment. It is important to emphasize that differences in behavior, beliefs, culture, expectations, among other characteristics that individuals of different generations have, interfere directly in the corporate environment. Given the above, this research aims to analyze the behavior of Generation Y in the labor market, having as parameters teams of leaders of a pharmaceutical industry, in order to understand the model of People Management, and respectively, the organizational behavior. Methodologically, a Qualitative approach was used, with the Case Study method. From the results, characteristics of the behavior of a Generation Y leadership were identified, such as: participatory management, autonomy, clear and effective communication, appreciation of interpersonal relationships, which are prerogatives of this generation.