Acessibilidade escolar
2018-06-15Registration in:
PEREZ, Maria Aparecida Vargens. Acessibilidade escolar. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Educação: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2018.
Perez, Maria Aparecida Vargens
This work had as its theme the school accessibility, addressing the history of inclusive education in Brazil, the laws that govern education and how the school should be, in structural and architectural terms, the internal and external environments, so that the teaching can be turned the inclusion. It aims to identify what types of accessibility exist and how should be addressed to students with special needs, focusing on the difficulties of physical disability. The research was carried out at a municipal school in the city of Umuarama, state of Paraná, whose data were obtained through the use of a questionnaire, answered by the school's management. Searching through the data collected, answer the research problem: how to overcome the physical barriers encountered by people with special needs to attend schools? In this sense, we sought to know, through this research, the barriers encountered by people with physical disabilities, to attend a regular school, from the transportation offered by the municipality, to the internal and external conditions of the school, as well as the signaling of the access to school. It is concluded with the research that, although there are laws that regulate and regulate inclusion and accessibility, allowing the real inclusion, not all environments offer adequate physical and structural conditions to accommodate in an inclusive way. Another important factor noted was the lack of training for the school staff, adequately serving the physically disabled.