Física x meio ambiente: a importância da física nos fenômenos relacionados ao meio ambiente
2013-03-22Registro en:
FOGAÇA, Daniela Silva. Física x meio ambiente: a importância da física nos fenômenos relacionados ao meio ambiente. 2013. 31 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Fogaça, Daniela Silva
Given that the change that causes the man in the Environment and in how it uses its natural resources, knowing Nature, its phenomena and changes that human activities exert on it became essential to guarantee the continuity of our world in a way that everyone can enjoy their riches in a conscious and planned. For this it is necessary that all human beings, adults or children, be aware of these facts which implies an Environmental Education effective. The curriculum component "Physics" has a great relationship with the phenomena related to these issues can be worked out with the student through the contextualization of this topic in the contents that are worked in high school if well conducted by the teacher who will be working indirectly Education Environmental. The best way to work with such content and relate them to environmental issues is through practical experiments that propose research and hence the relation between them, providing the student with a greater knowledge and understanding of environmental phenomena and issues that are present in our day to day so it is possible to make our students a citizen conscious, critical, understanding the world we live in and the importance of a healthy environment and preserved for all who live in today and for future dumb generations. The practical experiments require greater student attention and reasoning, and, when well conducted, let him draw his own conclusions and relate them to their daily lives, in the case of environmental issues, one practical experiment also provides students to develop their critical side and giving him a new view on the role of man over nature and the impacts it has on it can reach up to ideas of how to ameliorate them and question the necessity of these actions, the teacher happens to be largely responsible for this development and must be able to answer these questions knowing mediate situations that may even involve heated debates on the subject between the different opinions that can and should arise when working this way.