Desenvolvimento e avaliação de doce de leite colonial light acrescentado de aveia com calda de morango
2014-02-24Registro en:
CARVALHO, Driélli Rogério; BERTI, Mari Angela. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de doce de leite colonial light acrescentado de aveia com calda de morango. 2014. 33 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2014.
Carvalho, Driélli Rogério
Berti, Mari Angela
It is remarkable, in actuality, the biggest concern that people have about their health and wellness. This can be observed by looking for healthy foods and frequent physical exercise. In this scenario, natural foods are distinguishing themselves contributing to a higher intake of fiber in food. Moreover, foods have also been emerging and gaining every day new fans. The intention of offering the consumer a food approved the palate of many consumers, with source of fiber and no added sugar, this study aimed to develop and evaluate the microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of fresh light colonial milk added to flour oatmeal with strawberry syrup. For this, three formulations were prepared, with the first formulation (F-1) with 0,5 % oat flour and strawberry syrup, formulation 2 (F -2) with 1,0 % oat flour and syrup strawberry formulation 3 (F - 3) without added oat / strawberry sauce without flour. The reviews showed that there was acceptance of the judges for the 3 formulations, the most accepted formulation 2 (F - 2). Microbiological analysis, the product had to be absent from Salmonella and yeasts and molds, and the physico - chemical analyzes showed lower than those proposed in the legislation results to traditional sweet milk.