Caracterização química, física e termofísica da amêndoa do baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.)
2016-11-17Registro en:
ROCHA, Felipe. Caracterização química, física e termofísica da amêndoa do baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.). 2016. 39 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2016.
Rocha, Felipe
Development of technological innovations can favor companies with potential sustainable to explore, attempting niche markets of functional and organic foods, favoring the appreciation and preservation of Brazilian native biodiversity. Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) almond has a high nutritional value. Studies show an almost complete use of baru, being a rewarding processing activity for agribusiness. Baru physical characteristics (density, bulk density, color, sphericity, porosity), chemical composition (moisture, ash, lipids, proteins and carbohydrates), the energic value and termophysical characteristics were obtained. Values of bulk and apparent densities of baru almonds were 1,018 and 0,807, respectively. Color parameters were L * = 38,29, a * = 11,37 and b* = 38,20. The sphericity and porosity almond of baru almond were 0,544 and 0,207 respectively. About the chemical composition, the almonds presented 2.83% of moisture, 3.11% ashes, 38.95% lipids, 21.07% protein and 34.04% carbohydrates. The specific heat, thermal difusity and thermal condutivity were 1.915 J.g-1.ºC-1, 1.395x10-7 m2.s-1 e 0.271 W.m-1°C-1, respectively. The properties may serve as information for processing and use of baru almond in the food industry.