Um processo de extensão de framework de domínio: um estudo de caso no FrameMK (framework para formação de preço de venda)
2013-12-20Registro en:
BARBOSA, Alexandre Prado; BUKOWITZ, Luan Beluzzo. Um processo de extensão de framework de domínio: um estudo de caso no FrameMK (framework para formação de preço de venda). 2013. 103 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2013.
Barbosa, Alexandre Prado
Beluzzo, Luan Bukowitz
The FrameMK is a domain framework used to establish the selling price and includes pricing methods existing in literature. This framework is being developed by the research group in Information Systems, in area Software Engineering. The FrameMK has already been through several modifications and nowadays it’s available in the web. Its architecture does not modeled methods: Marginal, ROIC and some requirements of the ABC. This work has studied and adapted an extension process of domain framework which was used to include product pricing methods in the architectural model of the FrameMK. Tests were performed to verify its new functioning included.