Dispositivo leitor de energia elétrica portátil: DOLEEP
2013-05-03Registro en:
MARCELINO, Adriano; MELLO, Bruno Tosi; SANTOS, Leonardo Araujo. Dispositivo leitor de energia elétrica portátil: DOLEEP. 2013. 110 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Marcelino, Adriano
Mello, Bruno Tosi
Santos, Leonardo Araujo
This project aims the implementation of data acquisition system of the electrical grid. It consists in an electronic device capable of automatically monitor the accumulated value of the electrical energy’s use, in a defined period, for a consuming unit. Consuming unit is defined as a group of equipments connected together in a single outlet. The values provided as an output of the system will always refer to the group, not being able to distinguish equipments. The system acquires samples of energy as current and voltage from the electrical grid in predefined periods of time. The data processing results in information about reactive and active power, energy consumption (kWh) and performance. This information is shown in summary in an LCD and can be accessed wirelessly using a remote computer inside the defined distance range.