Os discursos sobre a mulher no jornalismo online em notícias acerca da violência de gênero
2017-11-14Registro en:
MIRANDA, Kelly Cristina. Os discursos sobre a mulher no jornalismo online em notícias acerca da violência de gênero. 2017. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Letras Português e Inglês) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Miranda, Kelly Cristina
This research presents an analysis about interlocutory interaction in comment reviews, which are produced in news that deals with gender violence. The analyzed news was published by portal G1 and the newspaper Gazeta do Povo. However, the online comment genre is an important feature as it allows the user to express their opinion. The objective of this study was to analyze the comments, considered a speech-response, observing the different discourses about women in the context of gender violence. Based on the Bakhtin Circle theory and contemporary authors and from the research on feminism, this study identified the commentators use discursive strategies to legitimize an opinion about the woman. Finally, this study also reflects on online news and the social network Facebook as an important space for interaction.