Impacto da inclusão de leguminosa em pastagem hibernal sobre o milho cultivado em sucessão em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária
2016-05-20Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Jonathan Kaoan de. Impacto da inclusão de leguminosa em pastagem hibernal sobre o milho cultivado em sucessão em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária. 2016. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2016.
Oliveira, Jonathan Kaoan de
The integrated agricultural production systems (SIPA) has the purpose of diversification, rotation, intercropping and / or succession of agricultural activities, allowing each activity to contribute positively and benefit the activity in succession or a simultaneous one. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the productivity of corn submitted to nitrogen fertilization levels in succession to the consortium of vetch, oat and ryegrass and addressing the inclusion of vetch in maize, as well as the effect of grazing on a livestock farming integration system. The study was conducted at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), where in the main plot were allocated the combination of forage species: oat + ryegrass and oats + ryegrass + vetch. A base fertilizer of 32 kg ha-1 N, 80 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 60 kg ha-1 K2O was used. In the subplots, five levels of nitrogen, in the form of urea, were applied to cover the corn (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg ha-1) in areas with grazing, and (0, 150 kg ha1) in subplots ungrazed . We evaluated the production of silage (kg ha-1 DM) yield of corn grain (kg ha-1), plant population (plants ha-1) and yield components, rows per ear, kernels per row, grains per ear, thousand grain weight (g) absorbed nitrogen (kg ha-1) and tissue (g kg-1) of corn plants. In the components, yield of corn grain and silage production were higher in areas with vetch cultivation and responded until the dose of 250 kg ha-1 N, while in areas without vetch in the previous crop, the response was linear up to the maximum dose used. The use of vetch intercropped with oats and ryegrass in areas is an alternative way to
reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizer in corn grown in succession in livestock farming integration system, both for silage and for grain production, as well as providing an increase in nitrogen concentration in the tissue of maize plants.