Análise de solução genérica para assinatura digital de documentos: estudo de caso
2014-12-01Registro en:
ANDREATTA, Caio Nogara. Análise de solução genérica para assinatura digital de documentos - estudo de caso. 2014. 71 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Andreatta, Caio Nogara
Digital signature has gained space since its regulation in 2001, when it instituted regulatory, supervisory and executing agencies of the established policies. Many government agencies, in order to keep up with the technological development and to provide eficient and safe services to the public, started projects to implement digital signature. This Case Study analyzes one of these implementations, developed in Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 9a Região - Paraná, built to answer the request made by the Corregedoria of the same agency. The developed solution was firstly built to be adopted by the Atas de Correic¸ao system, but was also planed to be adopted by other systems, as a security measure for both the Tribunal and the public. The objective is to present the developed solution, what resources were needed and what dificulties and problems were found, providing a concrete vision of what are present among many Security Information theories and known bibliographies. The methodology adopted relied on the currently known bibliography about digital signature, legislation in other countries that already set the digital certificate infrastructure, as well as on the analysis of project documents that were made during the development and stored in the agency repository. The documents used in the analysis are the source code, Status Reports, Use Cases and Test Cases, Integrated Project Plan, and others. As result, there was some weaknesses on the built system that might raise questions about its legitimacy, as stated on the use of HTML and PDF file formats using external references. One unnecessary responsibility assumed by the system was identified, that is the file format conversion. There were some improvements identified and suggested. In additionto bringing to the academia concrete results that such theories allowed, this study aims to present the experience gained from the project so that interested parties may have a starting point, and may adopt the innovations brought by the solution, as well as prepare in advance for similar problems.