Plano de emergência contra incêndio em um posto varejista de combustíveis
2013-02-15Registro en:
SEFFRIN, André Luiz. Plano de emergência contra incêndio em um posto varejista de combustíveis. 2013. 66 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
Seffrin, André Luiz
This monograph aims to identify fire risks in a retail fuel station, located in the municipality of Missal - PR, through the method of Preliminary Risk Analysis and diagnose the conformities of fire prevention system, verifying compliance with the NR 20 (Health and Safety at Work with Flammable and Combustible), rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT, Signaling fire safety (NBR 13.434/2001), fire emergency plan (NBR 15.219/2005) Outputs emergency buildings (NBR 9077/2001) and the Rules of Procedure Technician - NPT fire Department, fire emergency Plan (NPT 016/2012), emergency lighting (NPT 018/2012), emergency Exits (NPT 11/2012), protection systems for fire extinguishers (NPT 025/2012) and fire Safety for combustible and flammable liquids (NPT 025/2012). With the results of the analysis, we designed a Fire Emergency Plan, with guidelines to follow, being managed by the Coordinator (Manager) and each attendant must fulfill their responsibilities and act correctly in their actions. To facilitate recognition of the place, especially the staff of the Fire Department, drew up a plant fire risk, stating the data necessary to better care in emergencies. For the emergency plan can be executed, a training program was developed for employees, with a workload of 16 hours and with issues about training and fire prevention, emergency actions, first aid care and use of protective equipment.