Projeto de execução de transformador monofásico no Matlab
2017-11-28Registro en:
MANGIALARDO, Camila de Andrade. Projeto de execução de transformador monofásico no Matlab. 2017. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2017.
Mangialardo, Camila de Andrade
The transformers make it possible to use the electric energy at the voltage levels most suitable for the devices. The single-phase low-power transformers, the focus of this academic work, are intended to supply auxiliary circuits and electrical insulation between circuits.The proper functioning and the systems in which they will be installed is directly related to a well executed project. In this way, a graphical interface was developed in the
MATLAB software to facilitate the calculation of the project of single-phase low-power transformers. Based on the theory about transformers and with tabular constructive aspects the algorithm that commands the graphical interface requires only the values of secondary power, frequency and primary and secondary voltage to perform the calculations and display data for the windings and blades that make up the transformer core. Therefore, the practicality and reliability of the project was increased besides helping in didactics between teachers and students.