dc.contributorSouza, Marilia de
dc.contributorNascimento, Décio Estevão do
dc.contributorPontes, Daniele Regina
dc.contributorNascimento, Decio Estevao do
dc.contributorRasoto, Vanessa Ishikawa
dc.creatorAnjos, Cinthia Oliveira dos
dc.identifierANJOS, Cinthia Oliveira dos. Gestão do processo intersetorial no acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes: uma análise de Curitiba (PR). 2019. Dissertação (Mestrado em Planejamento e Governança Pública) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2019.
dc.description.abstractWithin the scope of the Municipal Social Assistance Policy, there is a specification of actions aimed at preventing and addressing situations of violence and violation of rights against children and adolescents, following the gradual path of complexity from the prevention of situations to the need to withdrawal from family life and institutional placement. The intrinsically multifactorial character of the issue is observed, requiring interventions of an intersectoral, intergovernmental and interdisciplinary nature. This study aimed to Propose actions seeking the improvement of the intersectoral process in the institutional placement of children and adolescents in Curitiba. It proposes to describe how this process takes place, besides establishing categories for analysis and examining it in the light of the proposed categories. The research developed is described as descriptive, applied, with a qualitative / quantitative approach, using documentary research with statistical sources and official data, with the use of a bibliographical and legislative study, aiming at the identification of actions and the organization of social policies regarding the management and attendance of situations of high social complexity in the municipality, in particular the management of the institutional placement of children and adolescents. Quantitative data were tabulated and analyzed according to the content analysis methodology. It is concluded that the performance of the public policies based on an institutional arrangement that prioritizes the management of intersectoral processes allow qualified dialogue, systemic understanding, and more assertive decision-making by public policymakers and other actors involved. Based on the analyzes performed, it became possible to list the following axes with interventions necessary to qualify the intersectoral process in the Institutional Placement of children and adolescents in Curitiba: I) the interruption of the institutional violence cycle; II) the guarantee of the right to family and community life; III) preventive actions; IV) the qualification of the services offered; V) the qualification of the sectoral actions; VI) the expansion of alternative forms of placement; VII) the development of intersectoral strategies. These results may contribute to the strategic approximation between the various actors of the Rights Guarantee System, inasmuch as it seeks to problematize the difficulties to be overcome for the care of the subjects of right targeted actions and services developed by the Executive, Judiciary and Social Control.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Governança Pública
dc.subjectAssistência social - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectAssistência a menores - Política governamental - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectPolítica pública
dc.subjectCrianças - Assistência em instituições - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectCrianças - Maus-tratos
dc.subjectCrimes contra crianças
dc.subjectCharities - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectChild welfare - Government policy - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectPublic policy
dc.subjectChildren - Institutional care - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectChild abuse
dc.subjectChildren - Crimes against
dc.titleGestão do processo intersetorial no acolhimento institucional de crianças e adolescentes: uma análise de Curitiba (PR)

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