Acessibilidade do portador de mobilidade reduzida, usuário de cadeira de rodas, ao transporte público de Curitiba e região metropolitana: estudo de caso
2014-11-17Registro en:
BRAGA, Denis Eugenio Vieira. Acessibilidade do portador de mobilidade reduzida, usuário de cadeira de rodas, ao transporte público de Curitiba e região metropolitana: estudo de caso. 2014. 86 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Braga, Denis Eugenio Vieira
According to international and Brazilian laws all physically disabled have equal rights to
productive and remunerative work and social integration, with the elimination of rejudices and obstacles. Through the Decree no 5.296/2004, the entire urban mobility infrastructure must be accessible by the end of 2014. Thus, we evaluated the wheelchair accessibility to public transport, one of the probable limiting factors of its insertion in the labor market, in the region of Curitiba/PR. Therefore, with the objective of quantifying the degree of compliance to specific technical standards in a bus terminal and vehicles was verified that almost all items evaluated for vehicles (in the range of 90%) and 54% of the items to the terminal were considered accessible, proving the breach of decree. Yet, wheelchair users were interviewed In order to characterize this public: half of them use it accompanied, 31% already had a fall of the lift platform or in the terminal and 38% judges the treatment to their needs not suitable; factors that may reflect the increasing degree of their dependence and turns them away of work.