Conversor CC-CA utilizando célula ZVT
2014-04-26Registration in:
DEQUIGIOVANI, Tiago. Conversor CC-CA utilizando célula ZVT. 2014. 102 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
Dequigiovani, Tiago
This paper discusses above the application of soft-switching techniques to static power conver-ters. The technique discussed in particular consists in provide zero voltage switching (ZVS) to controlled switches. Among the various circuit topologies to implement the ZVS technique, in this work is used a cell Zero-Voltage Transition (ZVT), in which uses controlled switches and
elements in parallel with the main circuit. The main objective of the work is the application of this cell ZVT to a single-phase PWM inverter with sinusoidal output. In this sense initially is
made a review of the basic topologies of inverters , and of the PWM techniques used to obtain sinusoidal output. Are presented the circuits ZVT conventional and improved described in the literature, in which the improved ZVT is employed on DC-AC full bridge converter. Steps of operation and mathematical analysis are presented. A design methodology is described for the
determination of the components of the auxiliary circuit, based on constraints set for the correct functioning of the cell and of the characteristics of semiconductor. A prototype of the converter is implemented in the laboratory for the validation of the project, verification of waveforms the
switches and analysis of efficiency. This converter is compared with other two circuits, ZVT conventional and the Undeland snubber. Experimental results show the achievement of soft switching the switches and the converter presenting an efficiency of at least 1% over for the ZVT conventional and 2% to the undeland snubber, these values for all load range.