Implantação de um programa de educação ambiental e coleta seletiva em uma escola do município de Medianeira - PR
2011-06-21Registro en:
LEONHARDT, Greise; KOWALESKI, Jóice. Implantação de um programa de educação ambiental e coleta seletiva em uma escola do município de Medianeira – PR. 2011. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2011.
Leonhardt, Greise
Kowaleski, Jóice
The trash generated by people in their most complex business areas causes enormous difficulties on the way of disposal and final treatment. The main objective of the implementation of this project is to educate and sensitize students and workers of a municipal school of Medianeira-PR, through information and dynamic integrated to environmental education, focusing the importance of selective discard of trash. It was carried out awareness action, gravimetric study of waste generated, evaluations with teachers and students, and the results were satisfactory, because the bins deployed were sufficient to meet the need of the school, with an awareness and cooperation by the involved people.