Uso de religadores automáticos em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica situadas em regiões remotas susceptívis a interrupções transitórias visando melhoria dos indicadores da ANEEL
2017-08-18Registration in:
CASTILHO, Cleon. Uso de religadores automáticos em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica situadas em regiões remotas susceptívis a interrupções transitórias visando melhoria dos indicadores da ANEEL. 2017. 18 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Automação e Controle de Processos Industriais) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2017.
Castilho, Cleon
One of the major challenges faced by electricity concessionaires in the current national scenario is to maintain continuity indicators within the criteria established by the regulatory agency ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), such as the DEC (Equivalent duration of interruption per consumer unit) and the FEC (Equivalent frequency of interruption per consumer unit). This search for continuous improvement is of fundamental importance, since currently the residential and comercial equipments and industrial electronics are increasingly susceptible to these interruptions, reflecting the quality of electric power supply. This article demonstrates the automatic re-establishment of reclosers in electricity distribution networks, located in remote rural regions that are difficult to reach and susceptible to transient interruptions in the electrical system, aiming at improving the continuity of electric power supply. comparing the durations of the interruptions before and after their use. There are numerous ways to reduce the time of interruptions and often avoid them. The introduction of innovations through new technologies and equipment can improve these indicators of continuity. However, it is of the utmost importance to know it for the correct application. Thus, the reliability and quality related to the products and services used in the electric power distribution process are achieved, reflecting overall customer satisfaction.