Indícios de alfabetização cientifica a partir de uma unidade didática com atividades experimentais de higienização
2020-11-03Registro en:
CARDOZO, Jennifer Germiniani. Indícios de alfabetização científica a partir de uma unidade didática com atividades experimentais de higienização. 2020. 120 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2020.
Cardozo, Jennifer Germiniani
The Pandemic Context caused by the new Corona virus (SARSCoV2) showed the necessity of hygienic practices that aids on the prevention of respiratory infections. That said, the concern about inadequate hygiene procedures commonly praticed in society has intensified. With that concern in mind, this research aims to analyze the effects of the application of a didatic unit with experimental activities of sanitation for the learning of early years students of elementary school about the sanitation procedures of biotic and abiotic surfaces as transmission inhibitors of microorganisms and pathogenic viruses. Participated on this research four early years students of a private elementary school of Arapongas, PR. The research had a qualitative approach and makes use of the textual and illustrative answers of the participants as data collection instrument. The hadling and organization of the primary collected data was carried out through the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011). The results pointed answers with scientific literacy indicators and demonstrated that a didatic unit provided to the students a construction of concepts about the importance of sanitizing the biotic and abiotic surfaces as an inhibidor of pathogen transmission.