Viabilidade econômica da substituição de lâmpadas fluorescentes por LED em planta fabril
2017-03-17Registro en:
KICHEL, Luciene de Souza. Viabilidade econômica da substituição de lâmpadas fluorescentes por LED em planta fabril. 2017. 43 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2017.
Kichel, Luciene de Souza
The objective of this monograph is to analyze the economic feasibility of replacing fluorescent lamps with LED lamps in the factory park of a company specialized in outsourcing of electronic equipment. The research is characterized as a case study, using primary and secondary data collection techniques. To achieve this goal, the Multi-Indexed Amplified Methodology (MMIA) was used with the deterministic and probabilistic approaches as a tool for analysis via web application $ΛV€Π and spreadsheets of calculations (MS-Excel). When verifying the high quantity of lamps arranged in the factory plant, it was observed that certain points of the plant presented low quality of illumination, as for example the warehouse, in corridors of circulation and locker rooms. In addition to maintaining a high cost of maintenance, such as the exchange of reactors and the fluorescent lamps themselves, it was decided to exchange them for LED lamps, having as benefits less electricity consumption, lower maintenance costs, reduced generation of Waste, in addition to the financial impact. The main results were high return indexes, such as a benefit / cost ratio of 5,1764, indicating that each monetary unit invested returned 5,1764 units and probability of practically nil losses, classifying the investment as risk less than 20% And still payback of 50%, proving profitable from the ninth month, over 60 months. All data indicated by deterministic and stochastic analysis are explicit in tables and graphs generated from $ΛV€Π As a conclusive opinion, the investment project is economically feasible and recommended for its implementation.