Projeto estrutural de uma treliça de madeira maciça de acordo com diferentes sistemas construtivos
2017-12-07Registro en:
PAROLIN, Betina. Projeto estrutural de uma treliça de madeira maciça de acordo com diferentes sistemas construtivos. 2017. 65 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
Parolin, Betina
In the present study, a solid timber truss for a roof was designed, aiming an optimization of the structure and analysis between different strength classes and constructive systems. The calculations and detailing were executed according to the NBR 7190/1997, using eight strength classes and four constructive systems. For better comparison between projects, the initial characteristics of the structure and its geometry were standardized, in addition to the dimensions of its connections. From the results, the influence of the wood classes was observed in the purlins sections dimensioning, as well as in the truss bars. It was also important the comparison between the calculated sections and commercial profiles of the wood, which showed an oversizing in the commercial use, no longer being an optimized structure. The connections are also influenced by the strength class, as well as by the type of constructive system, leading to excessive amounts of screws when using less resistant materials. It was possible to analyze which situations were acceptable and which are impracticable for real constructions. The study proves to be important due to the lack of information regarding the use of wood in construction in Brazil, and its sustainable characteristic relevant to the current and future market.