As traduções de John Gledson e Robert Scott-Buccleuch da obra Dom casmurro de Machado de Assis: cultura brasileira e polissistema literário
2016-11-21Registro en:
MARCHESE, Cibele Filus. As traduções de John Gledson e Robert Scott-Buccleuch da obra Dom casmurro de Machado de Assis: cultura brasileira e polissistema literário. 2016. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
Marchese, Cibele Filus
This work aims to at making a comparative analysis between the translations of Portuguese to English of Robert Scott-Buccleuch's in 1992, and John Gledson's, in 1997, being these the most recent translators of Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis. The focus of this analysis is the question whether these translations of Machado de Assis's work maintain the traits and marks of the nineteenth-century Brazilian culture, which are clearly presented and portrayed in Dom Casmurro. In order to carry out this analysis, were used the postulates of Itamar Even-Zohar (1990) with the theory of Literary Polysystems, Gideon Toury (2012) with his Translations Norms, José Lambert and Hendrick Van Gorp (2006) with the Translation Analysis Scheme, Lawrence Venuti (2002) with the theory of Foreignization and Domestication, Gerard Genette (2009) with the Paratexts theory, André Lefevere (2007) with the theory about Patronage and Literary Manipulation and Douglas Robinson (2002) with his considerations on the cultural differences in the translations, which allows to enter in the questions of Culturemas. When reading Dom Casmurro it is noticed that Machado de Assis was influenced, in his writing, by the nineteenth-century Brazilian society in which he lived, bringing the aspects of the Carioca elite and the problems of this class in his work. Thus, in developing the translation analyzes and the aspects related to them, it was concluded that of the two translations analyzed in this work, one is considered, using the theories of Venuti (2002) and Toury (2012) more foreign and adequate, while the other is considered more domesticated and acceptable. It is also true to declare that Machado de Assis is not considered canonical author in the editorial market of the English literary polysystem. However, with the growth of international criticism, this and other Brazilian authors may be consolidated in the English editorial market and other literary polysystems, translated into several languages.