Reflexos da formação técnica-profissional no cooperativismo em áreas de reforma agrária. caso de estudo do programa Pronera no estado do Paraná
2020-03-12Registro en:
AGNER, Ariane Maria. reflexos da formação técnica-profissional no cooperativismo em áreas de reforma agrária: caso de estudo do programa Pronera no estado do Paraná . 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado em Planejamento e Governança Pública) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2020.
Agner, Ariane Maria
The Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária (Pronera) was instituted in 1998, having as one of its commitments the feasibility of implementing new standards of social relations at work through professional qualification. Thus, the general objective of this dissertation is to describe the reflex of the technicalprofessional formation promoted by Pronera in the cooperativism in areas of Agrarian Reform in the Federal State of Paraná. From the bibliometric survey about the theme, as well as through documentary research in Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra) management reports and processes, applying the methodological assumptions of Bardin’s content analysis, the research was carried out in an attempt to answer the guiding question which is: what is the reflex of technical-professional training (Pronera) in cooperatives in areas of agrarian reform in Paraná? It is said that the predominant labor relations in rural settlement areas in Paraná are cooperatives. The presence of cooperativism in Pronera courses in Paraná was considered as research categories; the presence of cooperatives in disciplines of technical and professional training courses; the presence of cooperativism in the menus of disciplined technical and professional training courses; and the performance of graduates of technical and professional training in agrarian reform cooperatives in Paraná. These categories were interpreted as reflections of Pronera in the Agrarian Reform cooperative in Paraná. Although these reflexes were found, the occurrence rates were below 50% in all categories. The research showed that Pronera’s low reflex in Paraná Agrarian Reform cooperativism was one of Pronera’s feasibility commitments.
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